I haven't touched the pandemic topic in a long while, after getting fed up with the nonsense talking coming from no vaxx, no masks and the conspiracy theorists. Earlier today I happened to hear part of an interview conducted by Lilli Gruber (an Italian journalist). Her guest was well known Fabio Volo (an Italian personality mostly known for his writing and hosting career) who was pointing out something this global pandemic should have made everybody think about: what are we, human beings, doing to this planet? How are we affecting the plant life and the species left on this world? Why are we so selfish to the point we don't even bother asking ourselves why forest fires and ice melting are happening so often and so quickly? Are we really becoming as stupid as Donald Trump believing forest fires are caused by fallen trees that explode after a while laying on the ground!? What I have been seeing since the beginning of this global health crisis was people too busy trying to find out what billionaire was playing Monopoly with the world population and what YouTuber was giving out the "most reliable medical advice", instead of facing reality. The reality is that we are overpopulating the globe, we pollute like motherfuckers and, after taking the land away from the indigenous people, we are depriving animals of their natural habitats causing irreparable damage. I bet majority of folks won't even be able to tell you what's the importance of bees. That majority is too occupied "being social", the next "YouTube mentor" or "IG model". We are so attached to possessions that we have become a bunch of dry ass motherfuckers, selfish and empty to say the least. Just seeing what's "trending" on Twitter makes me cringe. I wish people were more down to Earth and genuine; the world wouldn't be so bad. I would like to leave this entry with a song written (and re-invented in support of UNICEF during the present world pandemic) by one of the most powerful soldiers of love this world has ever seen: Bob Marley. Thank you for reading my thoughts. Martina.
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